The Zingers LP
Released in 2013, LP of shortlived twisted Melbourne anti-punk band. Offensive bursts of excessive noise that parodies anyone who actually takes punk seriously and gets under your skin and settles there. Featuring cheaply dressed luminaries from past bands CHROME DOME, FLESH WORLD, PATHETIC HUMAN and INSURGENTS. Stupid guitar tone mixed with vile sinus damaging vocals, mixed with tight frantic jazzed drumming and the competent bass work of Chingford. Imagine The Effigies dropping those skinhead ideals and appearing on Soul Train. Artificial high pitch, high-energy songwriting that will make you question their sanity and surely make mummy and daddy tell you to "turn that fucking shit off". Bizarro warped delusions of grandeur masquerading as the typical annoying cunts straight from smorgasbord at the Abruzzo Club, not leaving a single canoli, returning to the bocce sands to hustle the elderly for their savings. Nothing too sacred. Classy stuff.